
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2021

This is huge man! 

  • GrimPixel profile picture GrimPixelNovember 2021
    It is easy to find similar channels: in the comment section, many channels have bots to praise similar videos so they can get noticed. The uploader also use bots to like their bot comments and don’t pay attention to what they said.
    I am not so negative towards such insincere messages because the YouTube algorithm is suffocating and they don’t care about small fries, so the channel owners have to do this to promote themselves.
Marianth profile picture MarianthFebruary 2021


Παρακαλώ, δεχθείτε το ευχαριστώ μου ως μερίδιο ευγνωμοσύνης για την γενναιοδωρία σας, 

να συμπεριλάβετε και την Ελλάδα στον κατάλογό σας!!


Τhank you for your generosity one to include on the list the Greece!!!

Marianth profile picture MarianthFebruary 2021

France, Italie (mon Paris littéraire, Pompéi, Herculanum ... )

Quel beau voyage virtuel ! L’Imaginaire du temps dans la vie réelle.

La fantaisie de flânerie peut nous laisser entrevoir la vraie de notre existence.

Bravo à vous !

* Pardonnez-moi, mais vous n’avez rien trouvé pour la Grèce ?

  • GrimPixel profile picture GrimPixelFebruary 2021
    Oui, la vie a son beau côté et c’est peut-être trop courant pour être remarqué.
    Il semble que les circuits grecs soient inclus dans plusieurs pays / régions.

    Yes, the life has its beautiful side and it might be too common to be noticed.
    It seems that Greek tours are included in multiple countries/regions.
vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2021

It will be great to discover the way of life and culture of a country :)